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Source code for lol.client

import asyncio

import aiohttp

import lol
import lol.champion

[docs]class Client: """Adds most of the base functionality for the module. Allows you interact and get things to interact with the API. Parameters: token (:class:`str`): The token to use when requesting the API. default_request_region (Optional[:class:`Region`]): The region to request when no other region is supplied. Defaults to :attr:`Region.NA1`. session (Optional[:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`]): Used to supply a session if you dont want the Client creating it's own. loop (Optional[:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`]): Used to supply a loop if you dont want the Client using :meth:`asyncio.get_event_loop` Attributes: loop (:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`): The used event loop. default_request_region (:class:`lol.Region`): The region to request when no other region is supplied. """ def __init__(self, token: str, default_request_region: lol.Region = lol.Region.NA1, session: aiohttp.ClientSession = None, loop=None): self._token = token self.default_request_region = default_request_region self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop if session is None: self.session = None self.loop.create_task(self._create_client_session()) else: self.session = session self._champion_data = None self.loop.run_until_complete(self.get_all_champion_data()) async def get_all_champion_data(self): self._champion_data = (await self.request("GET", lol.BASE_DATA_DRAGON, "cdn/7.8.1/data/en_US/champion.json", token=False))["data"] def get_champion_data(self, name: str = None, id: str = None): if name is not None: name = name.lower().capitalize() return self._champion_data[name] if id is not None: for champ in self._champion_data.values(): if int(champ["key"]) == id: return champ return None async def _create_client_session(self): self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() @property def session_created(self): if self.session is None: return False return True async def request(self, method: str, url: str, path: str, token: bool = True, headers: dict = None, **kwargs): if not self.session_created: raise lol.ClientSessionNotCreated( "The session hasn't been created yet. If this problem persists, " "try passing an aiohttp.ClientSession to lol.Client's init." ) if headers is None: headers = {} if token: headers.update({"X-Riot-Token": self._token}) async with self.session.request(method, url + path, headers=headers, **kwargs) as request: try: content = await request.json() except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ContentTypeError: content = await if 300 > request.status >= 200: return content else: exception = lol.exception_from_code(request.status) if isinstance(content, dict): message = content.get("status", {}).get("message", exception.default_message) else: message = exception.default_message raise exception(message)
[docs] async def close(self, close_loop=False): """This is used to close the session, which will disable all functionality. Parameters: close_loop (:class:`bool`): This is used to decide whether or not to close the event loop. Defaults to False. """ self.session.close() if close_loop: self.loop.close()
[docs] async def fetch_summoner(self, id=None, puuid=None, account_id=None, name=None, region: lol.Region = None): """This is used to get a :class:`Summoner`. It requires only one of the parameters (not including region) to get a summoner. Parameters: id (:class:`str`): The id to search by. puuid (:class:`str`): The puuid to search by. account_id (:class:`str`): The id to search by. id (:class:`str`): The id to search by. Returns: (Optional[:class:`Summoner`]): Will return the summoner or will return None and raise and error if the summoner couldn't be found. Raises: :class:`DataNotFound` No summoner with that information was found. """ if region is not None and getattr(region, "base_url", None) is None: raise ValueError("The region argument must be an instance of lol.Region") if region is None: region = self.default_request_region if id is not None: path = f"summoner/v4/summoners/{id}" elif puuid is not None: path = f"summoner/v4/summoners/by-puuid/{puuid}" elif account_id is not None: path = f"summoner/v4/summoners/by-account/{account_id}" elif name is not None: path = f"summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/{name}" else: raise ValueError("No valid information was passed to Client.fetch_summoner") try: data = await self.request("GET", region.base_url, path) except lol.HTTPCodeException as e: raise e return lol.Summoner(self, region, **data)